• My primary research interest is in problems of form and self-reference, whether they present in the first instance as metamathematical, metaethical, or anything in between. (Examples of something in between might include existential questions of self-consciousness, epistemological questions of self-knowledge, or metapolitical questions of the pseudo-reflexivity of ideologies.) I'm engaged in working out the long-range philosophical consequences of the diagonal theorems of Cantor, Gödel, et al., as they recur at the intersection between philosophy and mathematics. As far as figures go, I work directly on metalogical interpretations of Plato, Badiou, and Sartre, and, increasingly, in dialogue with Lacan. I do philosophy at the University of New Mexico and in new academia. In private practice, I offer both structured seminars and informal guided readings driven by participants' interests. I'm currently on the second draft of an experimental course on the philosophy of large cardinal theory (the theory of the higher infinite) in relation to Badiou's The Immanence of Truths. If you want to get the flavor of what I'm up to, probably the best place to start, apart from this blog, would be my article Minimal Sartre (2018). Inquiries welcome at sunyataivarupam at gmail dot com.

    this is what passes for a face in meatspace. some people need it to feel any connection.  but not you.