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the mistake of aristotelianism about self-reference

Aristotelianism, and the Neoplatonism that inherits it, consist in mistaking the order of the question 'about what?' and the answer 'itself' for the expected one (question-answer). The Aristotelian/Neoplatonist thinks that the question, 'about what?' persists because one hasn’t conceived of the reflexive answer yet, or feigns not to have hit upon it (for mischievous purposes), or has formulated it only in some impure or deficient mode, or just not resolutely enough taken the existence of positive general self-reference as an axiom. 

In fact, what is gloriously solitary and anxiety-provoking in the questioning of Plato’s Socrates is that the 'knowledge about what?' question is posed subsequently to the obvious suggestion, 'knowledge of itself,' and precisely to that suggestion, in order to show that the form of reflexivity remains to be discovered—along with its cost.